Tauākī Tūmataitinga: He mea tino nui to maatauranga ki a matou. He kupu nui to maatau kamupene kia kaua e whakaatu i o korero whaiaro ki tetahi atu whakaaetanga.
Nga kakahu o nga tama
Noa Teie i te mau tamahine, e hinaaro te mau tamarii tata'itahi i te mau huru e te hau. Na he nui ake nga taera e hangaia ana mo nga tama tane me nga tama tane. Mo nga tama, roma, romare, kakahu kakahu, koti, koti, etc e waatea ana kia pai ai te whakakakahu i ia tamaiti. Ka taea hoki e koe te kakahu i au tama i nga karaihe, he potae ranei me te whakapaipai mo nga kakahu. Ko te tae e pai ana mo nga tama te maama, te pouri ranei.
Utu Tau:USD 12.6 - 13 / Piece/PiecesModel No:BAL004Nga waka:Ocean,Land,Air,ExpressPackaging:1pc / putea polyĀheinga Toha:10000pcs per weeksTuhinga o mua:shenzhen, chinaTe whai hua:20000 pieces per weekWindproof Winter Warm Fur Baby and Kids Jackets The annual cold winter is approaching, are you ready for it? Warmth things are of course indispensable,such as this warm and windproof kids winter jackets.Seeing full of warm inside,you will notice...
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